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The Process of Spiritual Growth is Implementing Choices of the Right Path

  • Judgment: You must formulate an opinion or a position on the issue or issues in question.
  • Actions:  You must create a workable plan in which you implement your decisions.
  • Accomplishments: You must properly execute your workable plan to achieve results.


When you judge, you are judging yourself, your actions, and all that has brought you to this exact point in your path of destiny. Your motivation is to improve so you must be fully educated and aware of your present situation. You cannot get to where you desire to be without knowing where you are.  Judgment is not just to say you are being critical. When you make a choice you are judging the best possible solution for your situation, hopefully from a long list of options.


To get to where you desire to be, you must first know where that is. It is easy to say where you do not wish to be, that is an environment of vastness. In creating actions, you must identify all the steps required to attain your goal, as well as a timeline in which you are willing to invest to get there. Actions are creating detailed plans. 

It is strategy so it requires analytical thought. It is best to write these steps down in a spreadsheet or word document. Plans and actions are like self-help instruction manuals for your evolution.
"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned 
how to learn and make change." -Carl Rogers
Spiritual Advisor Jordan Canon
Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is attained by the execution and implementation of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual Awareness. You cannot experience evolution without taking a course of action or making a decision. 

If the first two steps of evolution are examples of window-shopping, the last step is actually making a purchase. Think of it as a purchase you cannot return as time is not refundable.  Spiritual growth is the last of a three-step process and has three-steps in itself:
Spiritual Growth
Learning and an improved awareness of your environment mean nothing without investing energy in  accomplishments. Your soul cannot grow if you are a spiritual couch potato.
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The final step is to implement your plan. If you have done your preparation in enough detail, you can focus all your energy on the actual activity of turning a dream into an accomplishment. If losing weight is your plan, then you have already done all the research as how you will lose weight, and you are now following your own systematic instructions from inception to the conclusion. In my long history and experience as a spiritual advisor, it is this step, actually investing energy to grow, that is the most difficult task. 

Spiritual Growth Opens More Doors for Evolution

The universe will recognize your efforts of spiritual evolution and reward you in ways you cannot imagine. While you can achieve your goals, you will eventually find additional benefits you had not planned on receiving. These universe gifts are designed to encourage you to apply the proper procedure for spiritual growth.  

However, the universe will also provide you with the opportunity of fate. 

Universal Fate

Spiritual growth is an ongoing process, so say your goal was to lose ten pounds, and you do. Expect an event to occur that will add a pound or two back. You will not be able to foresee this event and the universe will challenge your ability to grow. The more you evolve, the harder it becomes to evolve.  This is by design.  Fate does not have to be related to your goal of losing ten pounds, it can be anything going on in your environment. 

Good or Bad (which is your impression), fate is an energy that provides spiritual growth opportunities.  You can never not grow.