An Amazing Love Story
My snakes, Mel and Medusa, were totally in love and an active breeding pair. I'm sure it is hard for you to imagine how snakes profess their love for each other, but he would always make sure she ate first. They would cuddle and wrap themselves up together, and she would turn and radiate the most amazing neon-blue color when she was ready for mating. Very similar to Cancer women, in an aura kind of way. (dry Aquarian humor)
When my brother's snakes arrived, I immediately put them on the vines, and on the opposite side of the ceiling where my snakes were. What happened next was beyond belief. My male, Mel, saw one of my brother's females, Sage. They made eye contact from across the room and, like the popular imagery of two lovers running to each other on the beach in slow motion, they met each other half way on the vines. To the left is a picture of them from their first date, hanging out on the vines.
From that moment on they were inseparable. My female, Medusa, was jilted for Sage, and Sage's mate was also jilted. That was Jade, the only snake I have today.
Mel and Sage were not shy about their torrid love affair. I could tell Medusa was deeply saddened. I would never see her turn neon-blue again. She became a recluse in her tank, and never wanted to come out and hang out on the vines. It was painful to see her so unhappy with life. She simply lost interest in anything and anyone.
Jade was smaller than Mel. I guess in nature, he wasn't the strongest of the breed, so he had to yield to Mel, but he didn't take it well. He absolutely hated Sage. If she came near him, he would snap and fight with her on a moments notice. He would also stay as far away from Mel as he could. Once, I had to break up a fight between him and Sage, and he looked at me with crazy-angry eyes as if to say "I wouldn't have anything to do with her if she were the last snake on earth." I swear I could read his mind.
Not long after Mel and Sage became an item, Medusa died. I was crushed. Not just because she was a pure breed worth about $2,500, but I felt just like you would if you lost your pet. I ended up taking her to a Veterinary Specialist for an autopsy to find why she died, for the health benefit of my other snakes. They are very expensive, and you don't want to lose the whole family.
An Amazing Love Story with a Spiritual Lesson
This is a picture of Jade. He is a green tree python, which are only found on a small island near Australia called Aru. I have had snakes as pets ever since I moved out of my parents house. I know you're probably thinking he is scary looking, but to me, they are as lovable as a family dog or cat.
When I was a bachelor, I used to have two of them for breeding, Mel and Medusa. The unique thing about a green tree python is that their spines are all coiled. In nature, this is their defense mechanism.
Their color patterns blend in perfectly with the trees they live in making hard for both predators and prey to see. In my apartment, I had tree vines mounted to the ceiling, creating a full circle for them to crawl around at night. Imagine a giant 18x10 foot circle of vines hanging from your ceiling. Green tree pythons sleep during the day, and go exploring at night.
My younger brother, who lives on the west coast, has an infinity for keeping snakes as pets, too. Totally by coincidence, he also bred green tree pythons. However, when he got married, his wife just couldn't handle the idea of snakes in the house. Imagine that. He ended up sending his four snakes to me, and now raises geckos.
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This Page Was Last Updated On: 9/30/2023
A Spiritual Love Story
This is a picture of Jade. He is a green tree python, which are only found on a small and remote island near Australia called Aru. Stick with story and you might be able to relate to challenges faced in all relationships, and discover a hidden spiritual message.
"If I have to save a koala, a crocodile, a kangaroo, or a snake I will risk my life to save it."
-Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter.
Died in 2006, fatally stabbed in the heart by a stingray.

A Love Story with a Spiritual Lesson
Free Spiritual Guidance
by Jordan Canon, Spiritual Advisor
The autopsy showed nothing. She was in perfectly health when she died. She wasn't overfed, which creates high levels of fat, and she didn't have any parasites. She just willed herself to death, as exotic pets have the ability to do.
Within a month, two of my brother's other snakes died. They were both younger, under a year old. Believe it not, captive born green tree pythons have to be taught how to eat. Young green tree pythons have a very high mortality rate because of this. I was having trouble teaching them. One of the two never ate, so I thought of their passing more as bad luck.
Then I got sick, actually really sick. Long story short, my doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me, but I was so sick I couldn't get out of bed. Finally, an infectious disease doctor called me after a week with the results of some blood work. "Have you come in contact with any snakes from Australia?" he asked as if he were asking me the most stupid question of his career. "Yes, I breed them," I said. It just took a shot of something, and I was fine.
It turns out my brother's snakes were sick and infected, which in turn infected my snakes. Mel died right after that. I can still feel the pain and sadness of his loss. If you play some "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" music in a the background, (A song that started out "people let me tell you about my best friend, he's a one boy cuddly toy, my up and down, my pride and joy....") I can do a eulogy for hours. As the universe would have it, the only snakes who would survive the infection where my brother's original mating pair of Jade and Sage.
The anger that consumed Jade never left his soul. He still passionately hated her for what she did. If I kept them together, he would strike, bite, and do anything he could to establish his dominance and show his disdain for her. Even during mating periods, he would have nothing to do with her, which had to be tough going against the instincts of nature. She would stop protecting herself from him, so I had to separate them. Although they were in two different tanks, they could still see each other. She would always be looking away, and he would stare at her with that crazed, angry look. My wife renamed him to Mr. Happy.
Sage died shortly after. Like Medusa, she seemed to will herself to death. Mr. Happy has been living alone as the only snake in the house. He comes out on the vines once in a while, but doesn't do much, or seem to enjoy the freedom to roam around. He eats well, meaning snakes can choose not to eat if they are unhappy with their environment, but he spends most of his life sitting on the same branch, in the same position, for hour after hour, and day after day. It's been about five years now.
Moral of the Story?
I share this with you because there is a spiritual lesson in here somewhere. It might be on relationship commitment, giving into temptation, anger and hate, or cheating on a partner. While it can be many things, there is one thing it certainly is, and I hope it something you have heard me say a million times: You create your future by the decisions you make in the present.
The future Mr. Happy created for himself is sad for me to see. It seems like he created his own version of hell, in total isolation (except for me) and without any relationships. As you know, you can only evolve through your relationships.
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