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This Page Was Last Updated On: 10/8/2021
"I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards.
I got a full house and four people died." -Steven Wright
See the Wisdom of the Message
I make every effort to keep this website about the message, and not about the messenger. In this case, the concept of the tarot cards requires some explanation. After my three near death experiences, I came back a little different. Maybe more than a little. Even so, the universe gave me knowledge and abilities that were difficult to adjust to, and even more difficult to live with. Unfortunately, these abilities do not come with instruction manuals. Over a period of time, the universe and I learned to communicate through these visions of tarots cards.
Below I am posting my hand drawn "tarot cards" as I use them on the website. From here, you will be able to click to the appropriate web page and read the spiritual meaning behind the card. Like your life, these tarot cards will take you on a journey of evolutional theory and how to use your powers to create amazing futures for yourself.
The card you see above is the last card in the series. It will make more sense to you when you see them all. There are exactly 42 tarot cards, so be sure to come back often and see new ones being added.
Jordan Canon's Spiritual Tarot Cards
I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination. When I drew these, they seemed to just come out of hand. So that is a brief explanation of what these cards are. Notice how the souls in the drawings became the souls you see throughout the website today.
Spiritual Guidance in Pictures
They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words. The Universe used these hand drawn pictures to communicate spiritual laws, theory, and the use of energy. I call them tarot cards and use them in my spiritual advice sessions.