The seven virtues are all part of the power of the light. By using the 7 virtues as opposed to the seven temptations, you are harnessing all that is good within the universe and using it for the benefit of your fellow-man and your world. By learning the application and the meaning of the seven virtues, you can begin your journey on your destiny path and learn in a way that enhances the evolution of your soul.
For each of the seven sins there is a mirroring virtue. Thus, there are seven virtues. Each is the light side of a dark side. They offset each of the original temptations of man. The 7 virtues are:
Chastity is one of seven virtues that applies to a person and to his or her sexuality. Chastity means you take your sexual desires and apply them to fit the definition of love. Contrary to popular belief, the word "chastity" does not mean "no sex." Chastity means that a relationship is free from using each other as objects or for pure pleasure.
"Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Chastity applies to the rules and the guidelines that you and your partner mutually set forth within your relationship. It means approaching each other with love and desire, not with an unhealthy obsession for dark and perverse sexual desires, which would be the mirror of chastity, which is lust.
Moderation is one of 7 virtues that can be the most difficult to live out. Moderation means striking a balance between the things we enjoy and the things we need to do. It means we balance play, work, and family. Moderation means we focus on every relationship in our lives and try to bring each of them to a balance. It means we don't forsake work for play or play for work.
The dark mirror to moderation is gluttony or the over-indulgence of all things.
Charity is opening your heart to the world and the universe. It means giving of yourself to someone or something in need. Charity does not mean financial giving or material giving. It can mean giving of your time, yourself, and your love. Charity that comes from your heart shows the true picture of the light of the universe. It shows that you have compassion and love for all those around you. Having the spirit and the light to give of yourself without expecting anything in return is the true meaning of charity.
While charity is unselfish and giving, the dark mirror of charity is greed and the obsessive desire to have more than anyone else and to be more than anyone else. One who is greedy cannot also be loving.
To be diligent is to be wise and alert in all your actions. It means to work hard with both enthusiasm and attention to detail. It means to approach a task with persistence and with decisiveness. Diligence means you are able to harness the power of the light, of the universe, and to realize your full potential as you budget your energy into the tasks set before you. Diligence is a necessary quality in this life as you face hurdle or trials set before you. Diligent people do not give up.
The dark side of the mirror of diligence is sloth, or uncaring and laziness. Slothful people expect others to do everything for them.
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This Page Was Last Updated On: 9/30/2023
What are the 7 Virtues?
It is just as important to study the energy of the seven virutes as it is to understand the energy tempation. Balancing the energy of Yin Yang will help you attain your spiritual goals and help you create the future you wish to experience.

Free Spiritual Guidance
by Jordan Canon, Spiritual Advisor
You cannot experience love without patience. If you are consistently impatient with another person then you feel little love towards that person. To be patient is to be enlightened by the universe and to be able to persevere under trying circumstances. Patience is to act in a manner towards others and situations without resorting to anger, frustration, or annoyance. Your level of patience is the level of trial your character can take before you begin to act in a negative manner.
The dark mirror or sin to this one of 7 virtues would be anger. Anger is quick to come and slow to learn.
Those who exhibit kindness have a sincere appreciation and joy in what they already have and are also able to rejoice for others in what they have, instead of wanting another's life, relationship, or possessions for their own. Kind people are considerate to others and realize that kindness not only reflects the light of the universe, it also reflects the light of love within themselves. It is another example of love and harmony within yourself and your universe.
The dark mirror of kindness is envy. Envy creeps up and wraps around you whispering the desire it believes you should have for the possessions of others.
When asked, "What are the 7 virtues?" humility is often the one hardest to remember, because it can be the hardest to live out. Humility is the antithesis of arrogance and pride. Those who live their lives out in humility are never boastful and never proud. Humility is being respectful of others. It allows us to place others before us at all times. Humility allows us to meet the needs of others, before meeting the needs of ourselves.
The dark sin of humility is pride, vanity, and ego. All characteristics which caused the downfall of both Lucifer and man in the eyes of God.