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This Page Was Last Updated On: 9/30/2023
This is one of my spiritual tarot cards regarding soul mates. You can learn more about them using the link above. The idea of this picture is that in the case of soul mates, there are two types of energy.
The soul on the left is looking everywhere, as shown by all the past paths taken to find their partner. The soul on the right only has one path. It knows exactly where it is going and who it is looking for. Together, they find each other and go through the door of a new future they created for each other.
How Long Does It Take?
Time is a human concept. The universe doesn't know about time. How long would it take you to lose 10 pounds? It is based on the energy you invest to lose 10 pounds.
In this case study, the whole process took about a year, with about nine months of her focusing her energies on the soul she wanted to become, and to be the perfect soul mate of her partner. In her case, we corresponded through email, over the phone, and I even made some house calls. However, it was her energy that turned her creation of her soul mate into a reality.
The universe can sometimes provide me insights to help souls achieve the goals they are working for. As we got closer to completing her healing, I felt her soul mate was a Taurus and was "all around her." As it would turn out her soul mate is a Taurus and he was all around her. At my suggestion, her one decision of canceling a date with one person and taking a risk on another that turned out to be the difference. It was a blind date opportunity that existed for months, but in this day, she had achieved all the spiritual evolution and healing of her soul to see it. And the universe rewarded her for her efforts by returning her investment of energy in ways she could never have imagined at the time we first started out to create her soul mate.
Obviously, I can't make house calls all over the world, but I would if I could. All the tools you need to accomplish and create the future you want to experience are available to you through the website and free spiritual guidance. You just have to harness the power of the light.
Of course, it is most understandable to come out of a cheating relationship and not have anger. However, anger is a temptation, in fact, it is considered the most powerful temptation. The only goal of temptation is to take you from the path of the light. According to the laws of the universe, through freewill, you choose to be angry, and when you choose to harness the power and energy of temptation, you cannot find your soul mate, or achieve anything you wish to experience on the path of the light.
When someone is hurt from a previous relationship it can be normal to develop "rules" to prevent yourself from being hurt again. This process of self defense actually takes away from what you can contribute to your new soul mate relationship, especially trust. Allowing yourself time and energy to heal your soul is required to focus on what you can give, instead of what you want to receive.
If you are frequent reader of the website, you will already know you don't find a soul mate, you create one. Easy enough. But then you have to reinvent and improve your own soul, so that you become the perfect soul mate someone else is creating on their list. Not so easy.
Finding a Soul Mate: A Case Study
by Jordan Canon
When I select a topic for the newsletter, the subject is based on the most popular subjects of personal counseling sessions. The idea is that if many souls are seeking the same guidance, there may be many other souls with the same questions, and just haven't written in. The subject of soul mates was, by far, the most popular topic of conversation since our last newsletter.
Another Soul Mate Success Story
I am very happy to share with you, another one of our members found her perfect soul mate. Since she lives close to me, we are able to develop a personal relationship, but the steps for finding a soul mate are the same exact ones I posted on the website.
In her case, she found the strength to leave a marriage of infidelity and make a go of it on her own. I can't emphasize "on her own" enough. Leaving a relationship for, or to another relationship, is not the way the universe generally works.
Finding Your Soul Mate
Understanding how the universe reinvests your energy is the key to creating the perfect soul mate relationship. Learn how one of our members found hers, by following our step by step plan, and investing the energy it takes to turns dreams into reality.
"A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys and keys to fit our locks"
- Richard Bach

Learn How A Member Created Her Soul Mate
Free Spiritual Guidance
by Jordan Canon, Spiritual Advisor
These are two very different energies. When I say it is not so easy to become your soul mates perfect creation, it should look a lot easier when you study this picture. You can invest your energy looking under every rock you can to find your soul mate, but chances are the soul mate you would create, doesn't dwell under any rocks.
If you look under rocks, the universe, in creating your future based on the energy invest, will continue to show different versions of what lives under rocks. It is trying to help you by reinvesting your energy. Your true soul mate could walk right by you, and you would never know. A better path of success is to learn to become the soul on the right, create a plan, and invest energy in your plan. The universe will learn you don't want what lives under rocks if you stop looking there.
When I met her (she is a Capricorn) and we first discussed relationships, I could see the powerful red aura of hatred consuming her soul. Like a volcano, it surfaced and spewed everything that would come out of her mouth after. A Capricorn can be instantly judgmental. We all have powers, but it is how your power is used that determines the future you will create.