Comments on Your Free Astrology Readings : Blog
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Comments on Your Free Astrology Readings

by Submitted Request on 05/13/10

Share your thoughts on the accuracy of your free spiritual astrology readings.

Comments (36)

1. Gautam said on 5/13/10 - 01:32AM
It was nice to receive a detailed day to day spiritual reading. This was my first request and I feel really privileged and blessed to receive your attention. The reading done manually is really a big effort and I am at a loss to express my gratitude. Over the years I have experienced that I am blessed and I continue to get a divine support. I shall remain in touch with not that I wish to know my future but as you said, I want to see my soul evolve through right interactions. Thanking You
2. Sandra said on 6/1/10 - 02:31PM
Thanks for sharing your gift with me. The reading was very detailed, your personality traits of me could not be more accurate. Keep up the good work and May the Spirit Of the Great One always be at your back
3. Aartee said on 6/16/10 - 09:10PM
with great appreciation, I would like to commend the near-accurate and detailed sketch of my spiritual Reading. reading through it was like looking at my own reflection in mirror..which too can be distorted sometime but not the reading. from the bottom of my heart, I thankyou for the time you took out for my reading. God Bless!
4. Yolanda said on 6/28/10 - 01:28PM
Dear Jordan, Thank you so much for the Spiritual Astrology Reading! It would surely be a great help to me. I thank the universe for people like you, who tirelessly help souls evolve better. More power to you!
5. Lesli said on 7/14/10 - 10:50AM
Thank you very much for the information in the detailed reading! I look forward to sharing with others the spiritual insights you will bless us with! Thanks!
6. Shannon said on 7/20/10 - 09:02PM
Jordan's reading is truly life changing; not in the sense the reading will automatically change your life and fix your problems but rather it opens your eyes to who you really are and provides insight on all the posibilities life has in store for you but ultimately leaving you in control. With this information, each and everyone of us holds the key to our future but alsothe power to choose. Its a powerful gift but make sure you dont just walk away and continue living as if you never received this reading. Its important to know that even with thee answers and guidance, the key is within each of us and the effort we place on listening and working on ourselves. Two valuable lesson I've learned are that I'm the only person holding me back from achieving all my dreams and its never too late to change your path.
7. Ruthie said on 7/21/10 - 11:26AM
In my country, I hear of the great american prophet Jordan Canon by the internet. To this day my life has changed for the best of all time. He help me solve my problems around the world and day and night. When no where else I had to turn, Jordan is always there. I am happy to be the better person I am today because of this visionary wisdom and knowledges I have learnt in the last year. Love and Light he always says and I wish for him the same to. Blessings to everyone my friends and followers.
8. Terriea said on 8/13/10 - 09:17AM
I wanted to take a moment to thank Jordan for the spiritual readings I have received. They have been an accurate insight to the choices that were in front of me; this is most evident when I return to reread them after an event and notice that the reading could have guided me with my decisions. I am truly grateful for the time that you invest in helping souls to evolve. Please keep up the wonderful work. Lots of love.
9. glory said on 10/16/10 - 12:56AM
When i first requested a reading i expected a straight forward short reading on my sign and my partners. What i got instead was more then a astrology reading. Jordan has a gift that he has kindly shared with the world without asking for a dime in return. This in itself is something you do not see these days. Someone giving you something for free. The work and time he puts into each reading is astounding. I sat in amazement as i read what jordan had written about myself and my partner. The accuracy was so amazing . Jordans readings go beyond astrology. They come with a deep sense of kindness and truth that seems to bring a wish to each reader of good things to come. It brings with it a hope that we all can find that special person if we look within and use jordans insights to bring our souls to a point in life were we can be the type of person to match that person we want in our lives. His readings show the lessons in life each one of us have or must overcome to become the people we are meant to be. I was so impressed with my reading that i passed on the web site to all my family and friends. I think i became jordans number one fan. I have since gotten several readings including one on my ex husband and my signs. This one proved to be very accurate as well. It read like a nightmare that our marriage had been. But it also gave me some insight into some of his hidden problems that might have caused the chaos. Jordans choice of giving his time and sharing his gift for free shows his beautiful soul and personality. He is like a beautiful white light of kindness shining through the dark.To find someone in todays world willing to share something as great as the gift he has and his insight for free is a rare thing but as i have gotten to know jordan i have realized he is a rare person with such a beautiful personality and good soul...I am sure in life his karmic path will be filled with great things to come....Thank you jordan for being you and sharing your talent and gift to help and guide us in the right directions in life. I truly admire your talent and your gift but most of all your generosity and kindness to share your time and make each reading as special as the last ...
10. Ramya said on 12/16/10 - 10:46AM
Hi, I am extremely thankful to you SIR Jordan Canon for taking the time and effort to help people like me out through your readings.There are still so many things that I have the opportunity to evolve.Having you point out specifics of our self and qualities has gone a long way in making certain life changing decisions for me. Hope you will share your love and light always with the universe
11. Geraldine said on 2/16/11 - 03:33AM
The spiritual report I received from Jordan was not only accurate, concise and inspirational, it was educational and revealing as well. I have learnt about what areas of my life I need to work on in order to develop my soul. Thanks so much Jordan, May you and your family receive much blessings!
12. Jo. C., UK said on 3/13/11 - 03:50AM
Thank you! Your relationship reading was so accurate and a real insight into how we work together and how we can improve. A real eye opener but in a great way amazingly put together and in real detail. Lovely, thanks again. xx
13. Bin said on 4/4/11 - 10:44AM
I am really looking forward to receiving my report. I am thrilled to have come acrosse this wonderful website & your resources. Just wanted to share my appreciation and respect for your desire and dedications to promote spiritual enlightenment in this vehicle.
14. Sharon said on 5/10/11 - 08:52AM
Thank you very much Jordon for my reading. This has opened a new world for me with regards to my innerself. I wish to thank the universe for sending you to me. Love and light.
15. robin andrea said on 6/18/11 - 02:44PM
I am very excited to receive my reading. I believe this site is a beautiful thing that I will share with others!!
16. Estelle said on 6/20/11 - 10:47PM
I received a free relationship compatibility reading and I was not only impressed by it's accuracy with obvious things, but also grateful for things that were highlighted which I know will really benenfit from know. Thank you! I am super excited to received my personal reading as I currently have many questions and I am consciously seeking guidance.
17. Carmen said on 6/23/11 - 07:37AM
I recieved my personal Astrology reading and it has helped me as it gave me an insight to myself. Thank YOu
18. Janice said on 7/7/11 - 10:23AM
I feel that the compatibility stated between a Cancer(me) and a Scorpio(my friend) are so accurate and it makes me feel amazing. I know we are soulmates and it is refreshing to finally see in in print.
19. sherry said on 7/20/11 - 05:06PM
your site is awesome i was on your wed page for about 10 hr yesterday i learn so much thx u for ur wk it truly a wonderful place it open up my mind to so much that i`v never seen but felt in my soul neo :)
20. victor Gibson said on 11/13/11 - 01:46PM
I see alot of sayings, i do not see a real knowledge that the person running this site really knows what he is posturing to know. I see everything that indicates he doesn't. There are no soul mates. thats a belief but it has no valdiity. All souls love each other and anyone who has been in heaven and the level of souls knows this is a fact. I see alot of pandering to beleifs. If your intention is good so be it but I do not see any real experiential knowledge of true spiritual concepts being accurately applied to real life. I see alot of pandering to what will be popularly accepted. but then I have been in heaven and have openly performed miracles of all kinds and have taught others to do the same. I did not get sidetracked into finding some soul mate
21. Lynn said on 11/16/11 - 10:52AM
Victor, what planet are you from? No soul mates, every soul loves each other, you do miracles and teach other people to do miracles too? I am surprised someone of your great abilities has the time to come here and pander his gibberish.
22. Roohi said on 11/18/11 - 08:17AM
Thank you once more for the time you gave me for my reading. It is so accurate !! including the contradictions in my personality. It seems like a lot of work and I am really very grateful to you for it. I shared it with my friend and with just a look at it he said "how much were you charged for it?", he was stumped by my reply of course. In today's world it's such a wonder to have someone like you. We are amazed at your generosity and your dedication. You are a very generous genius. I really hope I'll be a better person too...some day...I think I will because now I know how. My best wishes for you and your family. Roohi. (Sagittarius)
23. brenda said on 1/29/12 - 04:26PM
cant wait to get my reading
24. sri said on 2/21/12 - 09:23AM
Thank You Thank you thank you so much Jordan..
25. William said on 4/17/12 - 07:09PM
Out of a Google search, I came this site. I figured Mr. Canon would have a big heart and give an analyzed overview of my mentality. He was spot-on accurate, and opened my mind to silence so the cosmos can finally speak, but it doesn't speak, it's now roaring with life-changing action! I meditated on Sunday how to progress my life, and dismissed my best friend Monday night. Heart-aching, but good for me to free myself. Turns out justice and honesty with oneself is more important than money. Thank you, Mr. Canon! I will be writing to you again soon!
26. Yoly said on 4/27/12 - 07:48AM
Dear Jordan, Thank you so much for the Spiritual Reading! I must say you are a great blessing from our Creator. Your tireless help to everyone who asks for your guidance, support, clarity and enlightenment is beyond acknowledgement. Once again thank you! Your SAR would be of big help to me in navigating my search for my soul mate, or should i say the best partner for me who would be my helping hand in doing my sacred work. May more power and blessings come your way!
27. Jaswinder said on 4/27/12 - 07:52AM
Hello Jordan Thank you very much for astrological reading. I appreciate the work you are doing for normal people. I apologize for late reply. I want to say something about your writing ,your words have a deep meaning n strong motivation which makes you much better and different from other astrologers. Many Thanks, God Bless You.
28. Sonia said on 9/16/12 - 10:06AM
Thank you so much Jordan for the detailed personal astrology reading. I'm amazed at how accurate it is! I've been lost and adrift...this reading will help me find my way back and build a life that I've always wanted. I'm still quite afraid but I think I'm heading to the right direction, albeit slowly. I'm reading the articles here almost everyday for guidance. More power to you and continue to help more souls on their journey to spiritual self-actualization.
29. Estelle said on 11/6/12 - 11:12PM
I have been very impressed with your reading. The accuracy and depth has really given me insight where I needed it. Thank you
30. Lucas said on 1/19/13 - 10:54PM
I am really looking foward to recieving my compatibility reading. In advance, Mr. Canon, I'd like to say that words cannot express how thankful I am for all the effort that you put not only on my readings, but everyone else's, so that we will be able to evolve spirtualy. You truly are a very blessed person.
31. Asvini said on 6/9/13 - 10:01PM
I have been quite the cranky crabbby little crab for a while now, was soul searching, and finally bumped into Astrology Humor by Arizona Sunday... I grumbled and thought..this better be good .. I found the cancer sign, and as I read it.. My eyes popped open in amusement and surprise.. and I finally began to chuckle.. at the mockery... of myself.. It was a sure cheer up.. it made me laugh,.. I wish ..there was for scorpio.. My scorpio's had a bit to much fun there..reading my Cancer sign humor ..Id like to show them there's I think my broooding scorpio friends could use some inner smiles as well :D.. Thank youuuuu Arizona Sunday..for that lovely page of humor.. Your a amazing..keep it up..Id check often to see what new stuff you have up. Thats the first time..Someone mocked my sign so well. I am a cancer/leo cusp.. scorp moon and rising :D
32. Meg said on 7/13/13 - 04:29PM
Jordan Canon compiled two different synastry reports for me over a 65 day period of time. The fact he provides these to people at no cost for charitable reasons is incredible. I consider them reference material since I read them frequently. These compatibility reports have provided me with tremendous knowledge and insight and consider them priceless. My confidence level has increased significantly and feel I am more capable of relating to and understanding the men referenced in these reports.
33. Caroline Roberts said on 8/30/13 - 02:02AM
I received the spiritual astrology reading made especially for me. I cannot say how awesome it is that you off these for free. I can personally say that I appreciate what you are doing (did) for me and for so many others. I cannot wait to read it. Thank you so much,
34. Juanitta F said on 8/31/13 - 01:59AM
thank you for the help you have given me in my spiritual walk. i have not felt so free. i am working on my myself and it is work but it is so easy because it i put forth the effort and energy to change the way i think and feel. i had low self esteem and depressed and now i just meditate and make the decision to get up and do what i need to do and make changes what i need to make changes . it is not hard at all. thank you Jordan Canon
35. Robin P said on 9/14/13 - 04:11AM
I recieved the Personal Spiritual Reading that you completed for me. Thank you very much for for your time and expertise. I did not expect it so quickly, but was delighted. I have given it the first read and I must say that it is the most accurate, indepth ("in" side of me) study I have ever read and I look forward to using it to hopefully discover where I am and where I am going. I did not read one thing that did not describe some part of myself or psyche at some point in my life and can only imagine that those parts of it that suggest a strong inclination of my life (it is very accurate on the level of interest I have on the subject) of things I will do and do well, possibly are still to come in my future as it was right on, I could point to experiences from different stages of my life. Thank you again, Sincerely, Robin
36. Letoille - Aquarius said on 2/10/14 - 04:01AM
Thank you so much for readings you have done for me... it helps me on my spiritual path giving me a better insight of my true needs.

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